食品科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (14): 84-90.doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20180730-369

• 生物工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


张 雯,卞 丹,阮成旭,时祥柱,倪 莉   

  1. 1.福州大学食品科学技术研究所,福建省食品生物技术创新工程技术研究中心,福建 福州 350108;2.福建省新闽科生物科技开发有限公司,福建 福州 350008
  • 出版日期:2019-07-25 发布日期:2019-07-23
  • 基金资助:

Adhesive Properties and Biofilm Characteristics of Pseudosciaena crocea Spoilage Bacteria

ZHANG Wen, BIAN Dan, RUAN Chengxu, SHI Xiangzhu, NI Li   

  1. 1. Fujian Center of Excellence for Food Biotechnology, Institute of Food Science and Technology, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China; 2. Fujian Xminke Biotech Development Co. Ltd., Fuzhou 350008, China
  • Online:2019-07-25 Published:2019-07-23

摘要: 以分离纯化自冰鲜大黄鱼的3 株希瓦氏菌(MA1-5、MA1-7、MA1-13)和3 株假单胞菌(R3-1、R3-2、R3-5)为供试菌株,研究鱼源腐败菌的表面疏水性、自凝聚能力、生物膜和腐败菌对鱼体(鱼肠、鱼鳃和体表)黏液的黏附能力,探明黏附特性与不同部位黏附能力的相关性,并进一步研究生物膜在不同因素下的形成特性。研究表明,希瓦氏菌具有更强的表面疏水性和自凝聚能力,对鱼体黏液的黏附性强,并具有更强的生物膜形成能力。主成分分析和聚类分析说明黏附能力在属间存在差异性,属内具有相似性。腐败菌对鱼肠和鱼鳃的黏附能力与自凝聚能力和生物膜形成能力具有较高的相关性,对体表黏附能力只与生物膜形成能力有关。腐败菌生物膜的形成受初始菌浓度、培养时间、温度、pH值、盐含量等多种环境因素影响。希瓦氏菌在初始菌浓度106 CFU/mL以上、37 ℃、pH 7~8、0.8% NaCl时形成的生物膜量最多;生物膜在12~24 h期间快速形成,并在36 h达到峰值后,随培养时间延长而逐渐下降。经鱼体黏液包被后,生物膜形成量受到显著影响,鱼鳃黏液促进生物膜形成,鱼肠黏液抑制生物膜形成。

关键词: 大黄鱼, 希瓦氏菌, 假单胞菌, 黏附特性, 生物膜

Abstract: Three Shewanella sp. strain and three Pseudomonas sp. strains isolated and purified from iced Pseudosciaena crocea were evaluated in this study for their surface hydrophobicity, auto-aggregation ability and biofilm formation ability together with their correlation with adhesion characteristics to fish mucus (gut, gill and surface). Meanwhile, the characteristics of biofilm formation were investigated under different conditions. The results showed that compared with Pseudomonas sp., Shewanella sp. had stronger surface hydrophobicity and auto-aggregation ability and enhanced ability to adhere to fish mucus and form biofilm. Principal component analysis (PCA) and clustering analysis (CA) showed an inter-genus difference but intra-genus similarity in bacterial adhesion ability. Both the auto-aggregation ability and biofilm formation ability were highly correlated with the adhesion ability to gut and gill mucus, while the surface mucus adhesion ability was correlated exclusively with the biofilm formation ability. In addition, biofilm formation was related to initial concentration, incubation time, temperature, pH, NaCl concentration and other environmental factors. The spoilage bacteria formed biofilm rapidly from 12 to 24 h of culture and biofilm biomass reached the highest peak at 36 h, and then gradually reduced with incubation time. The optimum conditions for biofilm formation by Shewanella were as follows: bacterial suspension greater than 106 CFU/mL, temperature 37 ℃, NaCl concentration 0.8% and pH 7–8. Biofilm formation was significantly influenced by fish mucus. Gill mucus promoted biofilm formation, whereas the opposite effect was true for gut mucus.

Key words: Pseudosciaena crocea, Shewanella sp., Pseudomonas sp., adhesive properties, biofilm
