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Progress in Pectic Oligosaccharides

HUANG Linhua, WU Houjiu, MA Yaqin, WANG Hua, SUN Zhigao   

  1. Citrus Research Institute, Southwest University, Chongqing 400712, China
  • Online:2015-10-15 Published:2015-10-20


Pectic oligosaccharides from pectin are degradative products with lower molecular weights and have various
bioactive benefits to human health due to low calorie, growth promotion for bifidobacterium, anticancer activity and
antioxidant capacity. Pectic oligosaccharides have been proven to be of great research significance and application potential.
In this article, several preparative methods of pectic oligosaccharides are compared, especially focusing on the pros and cons
of enzymatic preparation. Also, we review the recent progress in physiological functions and biological activities of pectic
oligosaccharides, which can accelerate the basic research and further application in the future.

Key words: pectic oligosaccharides, pectinases, preparation method, bioactivity

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