食品科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (7): 336-344.doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20200320-306

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  1. (天津职业大学包装与印刷工程学院,天津 300410)
  • 出版日期:2021-04-15 发布日期:2021-05-17
  • 基金资助:
    天津市自然科学基金项目(17JCYBJC18100);天津市科委科技特派员项目(20YDTPJC00600); 天津市教委科技计划项目(2020KJ068;2020KJ070);天津职业大学科学研究基金项目(20191107); 天津职业大学横向课题(60002-604066);天津职业大学校企协同创新项目(XQXT2020110206)

Progress in Application of Intelligent Packaging Technologies in Food Supply Chain

ZHOU Yunling, WEI Na, HAO Xiaoxiu, WANG Zaiying, LI Yuhan   

  1. (School of Packaging and Printing, Tianjin Vocational Institute, Tianjin 300410, China)
  • Online:2021-04-15 Published:2021-05-17

摘要: 食物浪费问题是全世界亟待解决的难题,智能包装能实现产品的实时跟踪,为食品包装决策提供信息支持,从而降低食品的损耗。本文综述了智能包装的概念、国内外智能包装技术(时间-温度指示剂、泄漏指示剂、新鲜度监测技术、成熟度监测技术、条码技术、射频识别技术、增强现实技术)在食品领域中的研究进展和智能包装技术现存的问题。提出了智能包装技术低成本化、多功能化以及安全化的发展方向,以期推广智能包装技术的应用,减少食物浪费。

关键词: 智能包装;指示剂;传感器;射频识别技术;增强现实技术;应用

Abstract: Food waste is a worldwide problem to be solved urgently. Intelligent packaging allows real-time tracking of products, and provides supporting information for food packaging decision making, thereby reducing food loss. This article reviews the concept of intelligent packaging, the intelligent packaging technologies (time-temperature indicators, leak indicators, freshness monitoring technology, maturity monitoring technology, barcode technology, radio frequency identification technology and augmented reality technology), and the problems of applying them in the food field. It proposes that intelligent packaging would develop a low-cost, multi-functional and safe direction. This review is expected to help promote the intelligent packaging technologies to reduce food waste.

Key words: intelligent packaging; indicator; sensor; radio frequency identification technology; augmented reality technology; application
