FOOD SCIENCE ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 44-50.doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20191129-306

• Food Chemistry • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect on Calcium Lactate on the Emulsifying Properties of High Methoxy Citrus Pectin

FAN Chuanhui, HE Jianjun, CHEN Xueling, WANG Shaohua   

  1. (Institute for Farm Products Processing and Nuclear-Agricultural Technology, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science, Wuhan 430068, China)
  • Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-02-25

Abstract: The aim of this research was to study the effect of calcium lactate on the emulsifying properties of high methoxy citrus pectin (HMP). Differences in the morphology and size of HMP micelles in aqueous solution were compared in the presence and absence of calcium lactate. Addition of calcium lactate distinctly affected the morphology and size of HMP micelles in aqueous solution, increasing the size of HMP micelles and inducing cross-linking of HMP micelles and HMP molecules to form a reticular structure. Calcium lactate significantly improved the emulsion stability index of HMP and inhibited creaming. After storage for 28 days at room temperature, no creaming occurred in the presence of 12.50 mmol/L calcium lactate. Calcium lactate affected the droplet size distribution and morphology. The d(0.9) value of the emulsion droplets was decreased slightly and the droplet morphology of irregular spheres appeared in the presence of calcium lactate. The morphology of the dyed emulsion droplets showed that there were substances adhered on the surface in the presence of calcium lactate. The emulsion prepared from HMP with added calcium lactate was similar to the Pickering emulsion.

Key words: high methoxy citrus pectin; calcium lactate; emulsion

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