FOOD SCIENCE ›› 2009, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (7): 258-265.doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-200907060

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Research Progress on Analysis Methods of Diversity of Microbial Flora

XU Wen-tao1,2 GUO Xing1 LUO Yun-bo1 HUANG Kun-lun1,2,*   

  1. (1.Laboratory of Safety Detection and Risk Assessment, College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural
    University, Beijing 100083, China 2.Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of Genetically Modified Orginisms, Ministry of
    Agriculture, Beijing 100083, China)
  • Received:2008-03-11 Revised:2008-06-12 Online:2009-04-01 Published:2010-12-29
  • Contact: Kun-lun1,2,*


With the development of modern science and technology, especially due to application of molecular biology, the research on microbial diversity has been elevated to a higher level, the shortcomings of the traditional culture has been overcome and more considerable progress occurred in the analysis methods of diversity of microbial flora. In this paper, various research methods of diversity of microbial flora were presented in the following three parts: (1) traditional pure culture techniques; (2) modern molecular biology techniques; (3) the joint use of the above two methods, and the features and the prospect of these methods were focused on.

Key words: microorganism, flora, diversity, molecular biological methods

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