Author Guidelines

  • Author Guidelines


    Food Science (ISSN 1002-6630) is a semimonthly academic journal sponsored by the Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. Food Science publishes high-quality and original research papers or reviews that advance the science of food in China and abroad.

    The scope of the journal:

    ·         Food chemistry, food biochemistry, food sensory and physical properties

    ·         Food microbiology, food biotechnology

    ·         Health, nutrition, and food safety

    ·         Analytical method and detection

    ·         Food packaging and storage

    ·         Novel food processing technology and food engineering

    Chinese herb for non food material, tobacco, food processing machinery design, cooking skills are outside the scope of the journal.

    Article review and acceptance

    The acceptance criteria for all articles are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to readership. All manuscripts within the aim and scope of the journal are peer-reviewed by at least two experts in the same or similar research field in a double-blinded manner. Decisions on acceptance, revision, or rejection are usually made within three months of submission. Papers are usually published in chronological order of acceptance. The editors reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision. The editor has the right to reject at any time any content that does not adhere to the journal’s standard of academic integrity and publication ethics.

    Ethics in Publishing

    For information on Ethics in Publishing and Ethical guidelines for journal publication please see China Promoting Research Integrity(!archivesViewDt.action?modelId=1&archivesId=7313)


    Submission declaration

    Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is read and approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere including electronically in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder.

    Conflict of interest

    Food Science requires that all sources of institutional, private, and corporate financial support for the work within the manuscript must be listed, and any potential conflicts of interest noted.


    Submission to this journal proceeds totally online. Via the homepage of this journal ( you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of various files. 

    Manuscript must be written in Chinese with an English abstract or in English with a Chinese abstract. Please download the manuscript template (, and prepare your manuscripts according to its illustrations.


    Once the manuscript is accepted by Food Science, the authors must complete and sign the Copyright Transfer Assignment ( By signing of this document, the copyright of the paper is transferred legally to Food Science, and the Editorial Board therefore has the authority to distribute its printed and electronic versions to related databases, website and other publication forms worldwide.

    Journal Standing

    Food Science is one of the most famous academic journals in China. Until now, it has been indexed in EI Compendex, Chemical Abstracts (CA, USA), Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA, United Kingdom), Current Bulletin on Science Technology (CBST, Japan), Index of Copernicus, Chinese Science Citation Core Database (CSCD, China), English Edition of Chinese Science Abstracts (China), etc. Food Science was rated as one of “the Hundred Excellent Academic Journals” continuously from 2003 to 2018 and “Outstanding Science and Technology Journals of China” in 2008 and 2018, by Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC). In 2010, Food Science was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.31024805).

  • 2022-08-02 Visited: 94045