Submitting Template

  • Attention to the following details can help expedite publication if we invite a revision after external review.


    Do not use two-column layout.


    1  Title

    Titles must be accurate and concise. Keywords should be easily selected from titles and comply with principles of bibliography, indexing and retrieval. Technical terms, abbreviations, symbols, codes, commodity name and active verbs should all be avoided. Mathematical and chemical formulas should also be avoided. Chinese titles usually consist of no more than 20 words and subtitles are suggested when necessary. English titles should be consistent with Chinese titles. Every first letter of content words should be capitalized.  


    2  Author Information

    Author name: Foreign authors should use full names instead of abbreviations. Authors from different affiliations should be annotated with Arabic numerals at the upper right corner of the names. Corresponding author(s) should be identified with an asterisk.


    Author affiliation: Official full name, province, city and postcode of author affiliation should be included. If there is any uncertainty of affiliation name, the official seal of author affiliation can be checked as verification. For English address, Instead of province, country name should be added after postcode and a comma should be used in between. E-mail address is necessary and mobile/telephone number is optional. Your mobile/telephone number will not be announced without permission and will be used only for internal communication.


    3   Abstract

    Chinese Abstract: Abstract of research paper should serve as a short report following GB644786. By reading the independent and self explanatory abstract, readers can obtain the main information of the paper. The abstract usually consists of four parts: goal, method, result and conclusion.

    English Abstract: English abstract should be in correspondence with Chinese abstract. However, it can be more explicit for retrieval convenience in international index systems. English abstract is strongly recommended to be polished by experienced professionals before submission to avoid return and rewrite of abstract.


    4  Keywords

    List 3 to 8 correlated keywords. Semicolons should be used between each keyword and no punctuation should be used in the end. Chinese and English keywords should be corresponding one by one. Do not capitalize English keywords except names and abbreviations. Full name of abbreviation should be explained for the first time. Example: Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS).


    5  Text

    5.1 Hierarchy Title

    Each level of title should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Numerals of different levels should be separated with dot “.”. The maximum number of levels is 4. For example, i1 Material and Methods (followed by 1.1, 1.2, etc.).


    5.2 Introduction

    This part should not be numbered. The content includes research background (brief introduction of new research area, domestic and international research advancements, inadequacy of current research). Research goals and methods can be described, but not as a repetition or an explanation of abstract. The introduction of research background should be relevant and reference-based. You should not include conclusion in this part as it has been described in Conclusion and Abstract.


    5.3 Materials and Methods

    This part should contain all elements necessary for interpretation and replication of the results. If the methods have been used in published papers, please refer to the original papers and indicate if there is any modification that you have made.


    5.4 Results and Analysis

    The overall requirements of this part are clear, logical and structural. Do not use unnecessary figures and graphs if simple sentences are already clear enough. Data from the same source should not repetitively appear in both figures and graphs. Data analysis is essential and proper number of significant digits should be presented.


    5.5 Conclusion

    This part concludes important results and discussions and therefore    should be subjective, comprehensive, logical and precise. If it is difficult to generalize a conclusion, results can further be discussed to pinpoint the problems to be solved and future perspective. Conclusion should not be a simple repetition of results in each paragraph, but more a holistic overview of: 1) General principles revealed by results and data analysis; 2) Exceptions or problems that are difficult to explain/tackle in the research; 3) Similarities and differences referring to previous research conducted by author himself or other researchers; 4) Academic and practical significance of this paper; 5) Suggestions for further relevant research.


    5.6 Figures

    Professional software such as Origin is necessary for producing clear and accurate images. Annotations should be below the figures. Functions and spectrums should be vector-graphs or bitmaps with resolution higher than 600 dpi. Figures are best prepared at the size you would expect them to appear in print. All figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals.  


    5.7 Tables

    Three-line tables should be adopted. Each table should be accompanied by a title of short sentence describing what the table shows. The font size in the table is 7pt. The table should be as concise as possible. If necessary, further details can be included as footnotes to the table. An example is as follows:


    Table 1   Example of a double column table (Word Style Times New Roman)

    column 1

    column 2

    column 3

    column 4

    column 5












    5.8 Quantities and Units
    For quantities and units, GB 3100-3102-93 should be strictly adopted to determine names, symbols and rules of writing.  Do not use abandoned physical quantities and symbols. SI symbols should be in Romans no matter in formulas, figures, tables or texts. Please leave a space between each value and unit.


    5.9 Name of Chemical Compounds

    Subject name should be determined by state letter [1987]142 from China’s State Council. You should use science terms approved by China National Committee for Terms in Sciences and Technologies. All Chinese/English chemicals should be nominated systematically following the rules of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).


    5.10 Mathematic and Chemical Formulas

    MathType is recommended for editing mathematic formulas. ChemWindow or ChemDraw are recommended for illustrating chemical formulas and reaction formulas.


    5.11 Abbreviation

    Abbreviations and nonstandard terms should be explained in brackets for the first time (including in abstract). Uniform abbreviations can be used afterwards.

  • 2020-05-07 Visited: 41743