Misconduct Processing

    Our journal must handle the academic misconduct seriously.

    (1)    Checking academic misconduct by a variety of methods before publishing.

    (2)    Retracting, decelerating reasons and looking into the responsibilities of authors when the published paper violates the ethical standards.

    (3)    Notifying the leader and the institution of the author.

    Categories of academic misconduct:

    1.       Plagiarism:

    Basic forms: (1) Citing others’ works, opinions, content and results without identification and acknowledgement. (2) Copying and pasting others’ work without identification and acknowledgement. (3) Self-plagiarism without identification and acknowledgement. (4 ) Checking by CNKI sci-tech periodical academic misconduct checking system, the percentage of overlapped words in the manuscript is over 30%.

    2.       Duplicate submission/publication

    Basic forms: (1) One paper is submitted to two or more academic journals and the paper is published successively. (2)Similar articles, which are only different in the sequence of the words or topics, are published by different journals.


    3.       Publishing several papers from one paper

    Basic forms: One paper divides into several papers for publishing or explaining one experiment from several aspects.

    Characteristics: Same authors or same topic in several articles; Most of the content of papers is the same. 


    4.       Authorship issues:

    Basic forms: (1) Signed author did not do any work in the research and encroach other signed authors’ right. (2) Well known expert’s name signed on paper arbitrarily to get the chance of publication.

    For example:  The supervisor or leader signs name on student’s paper; Improper co-authors’ name.


    5.       Forging or tampering with the data or figures of the research

    Basic form: Using forged data or figures in the paper instead of real ones of experiments; Forging papers aim to acquiring the key funding.

    Characteristics: The result cannot be duplicated using the method, material in the paper; The methods or principles are not practical; Or the original data is deleted.


    Tempering: Researchers alter, delete or get data for acquiring the ideal results for the experiment.



  • 2010-12-21 Visited: 9320