食品科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 249-257.doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20210630-354

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  1. (北京工商大学 北京市食品风味化学重点实验室,北京 100048)
  • 出版日期:2022-02-15 发布日期:2022-03-08
  • 基金资助:

Recent Progress in Research on Volatile Flavor Compounds in Allium

LIU Bing, CHANG Yuan, WANG Ruifang, LIU Zixuan, CHEN Haitao, ZHANG Ning   

  1. (Beijing Key Laboratory of Flavor Chemistry, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China)
  • Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-03-08

摘要: 葱属植物是中式菜肴中最为常见的蔬菜和调味料,其独特的香气属性能够有效掩盖菜肴中的腥膻异味,并赋予菜肴独特的风味。葱属植物的基质复杂多样,挥发性风味物质含量较低,特别是一些热敏感、低阈值的关键香气物质极易在前处理和后续加工过程中损失变性,造成风味变化。本文主要概括了近年来研究的葱属植物中挥发性风味物质,并对其今后的研究方向进行探讨。未来可将新型精密分析仪器与分子感官科学进一步结合来揭示葱属植物在加工处理过程中的风味变化和形成机理,为其风味品质调控提供理论依据,促进葱属植物相关产业的进一步发展。

关键词: 葱属植物;挥发性物质;风味

Abstract: Allium is the most common vegetable and condiment herb used in Chinese dishes, and its unique flavor can mask the unpleasant odor of other ingredients. The matrix of Allium is complex and diverse, having low contents of volatile flavor components. In particular, some key aroma substances with heat susceptibility and low thresholds in Allium are lost and changed easily during pretreatment and subsequent processing, causing flavor changes. In this paper, recent studies on the volatile flavor compounds of Allium are summarized, and future research directions are discussed as well. Combining new precision instruments with molecular sensory science will enable us to further understand the change in and formation mechanism of the flavor of Allium during processing in the future, which will provide a theoretical basis for controlling the flavor quality of Allium in order to promote the development of the Allium industry.

Key words: Allium;?volatile?compounds;?flavor
