食品科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (11): 217-225.doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20230614-122

• 食品工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100089;2.山东玉杰面粉有限公司,山东?滨州 251805)
  • 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-06-13
  • 基金资助:

Optimization of Separation Parameters of Wheat Aleurone Layer Flour and Their Influence on Characteristics of Wheat Flour and Dough

LUO Dan, MA Junzhe, SANG Ziqing, XIE Qiang, CHEN Chen, WANG Jianying, XUE Wentong   

  1. (1. College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100089, China; 2. Shandong Yujie Flour Co. Ltd., Binzhou 251805, China)
  • Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-06-13

摘要: 为高效获得高质量且适宜加工的糊粉层粉,探究旋风涡流微纳米分离麦麸技术的分离转速和分离筛网孔径对糊粉层粉营养功能成分的影响,利用灰色关联度模型筛选出最佳分离参数,研究0%~30%(以面粉质量计)的糊粉层粉添加量对面粉营养功能成分、热力学特性、面团的热机械学和动态流变学特性的影响。结果显示,糊粉层粉的最佳分离条件为4 000 r/min和80 目,此条件下获得的糊粉层粉得率高,富含粗蛋白、总膳食纤维和烷基间苯二酚。当糊粉层粉添加量从0%增加至30%时,面粉中的水分和淀粉含量不断下降,面粉中灰分、粗蛋白、总膳食纤维、粗脂肪、总酚和烷基间苯二酚含量不断上升,而且能提高面粉的糊化稳定性和黏弹性,延缓面团老化回生,使其具有良好的加工性能。本研究有利于最大化开发糊粉层粉营养功能,提高其加工性能,促进小麦副产物的资源利用。

关键词: 小麦糊粉层粉;面粉;膳食纤维;流变特性;灰色关联度分析

Abstract: To effectively obtain high-quality wheat aleurone layer flour suitable for food processing, the effects of milling speed and mesh size on the nutritional and functional components of wheat aleurone layer flour were investigated, and the optimal separation parameters were developed by grey correlation analysis (GCA). The effects of adding 0%–30% wheat aleurone layer flour (based on the weight of wheat flour) on the nutritional composition and thermodynamic characteristics of wheat flour, and the thermomechanical and dynamic rheological properties of dough were studied. The results showed that the optimal separation parameters for wheat aleurone layer flour were 4 000 r/min and 80-mesh, which provided a high yield of wheat aleurone layer flour, rich in crude protein, total dietary fiber and alkyl resorcinol. With increasing addition of wheat aleurone layer flour from 0% to 30%, the contents of moisture and starch continuously reduced, and the contents of ash, crude protein, total dietary fiber, crude fat, total polyphenol and alkyl resorcinol increased. Moreover, addition of wheat aleurone layer flour improved the gelatinization stability and viscoelasticity of flour and delayed the retrogradation of dough, consequently improving its processing properties. The findings of this study contribute to maximizing the development of the nutritional and processing properties of wheat aleurone layer flour, improving its processing performance and promoting the utilization of wheat by-products.

Key words: wheat aleurone layer flour; wheat flour; dietary fiber; dynamic rheological properties; grey correlation analysis
