食品科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (17): 141-146.doi: 10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201117028

• 基础研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭夏丽1,罗丽萍1,*,徐元君1,陈 滨1,付宇新2   

  1. 1.南昌大学生命科学与食品工程学院 2.江西省林业科学院
  • 发布日期:2011-08-30
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目 (30700105;31071551);江西省青年科学家(井冈之星)培养计划资助项目(S00590)

Chemical Components and Biological Activity of Chinese Propolis from Different Seasons

GUO Xia-li1,LUO Li-ping1,*,XU Yuan-jun1,CHEN Bin1,FU Yu-xin2   

  1. (1.School of Life Science and Food Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China; 2.Jiangxi Academy of Forestry, Nanchang 330032, China)
  • Published:2011-08-30

摘要: 季节是影响蜂胶化学组成和生物活性的生态因子之一。为了解季节对蜂胶品质的影响,以分别来自温带、亚热带和热带地区的不同季节中国蜂胶为材料,采用分光光度法测定其色度、特定吸收率 (E1cm)以及总酚、总黄酮、黄酮-黄酮醇和黄烷酮的含量;并测定蜂胶醇提物的抗氧化及抑菌活性。实验结果相关性分析表明:季节对中国蜂胶醇提物(ethanol extract of propolis,EEP)的化学组成有显著影响,中国EEP中总酚、总黄酮、黄酮-黄酮醇和黄烷酮的含量均在7~8月为最高,9月份化学成分含量大多最低,说明其品质在8月总体最好,而9月份,中国蜂胶品质最差。不同季节EEP的总酚和总黄酮含量差异极显著,总酚最大值为(243.87±152.13)mg/g,最小值为(187.25±146.45)mg/g,总黄酮最大值为(189.34±107.51)mg/g,最小值为(122±81.02)mg/g;且季节对EEP的抗氧化活性也有显著影响;EEP的E1cm值与清除DPPH自由基活性和总酚、总黄酮的含量有显著正相关性。而季节对中国EEP的抑菌性没有显著影响。因此,季节对中国蜂胶品质有较大影响。

关键词: 蜂胶, 醇提物, 季节, 化学组成, 生物活性

Abstract: In order to explore the effect of season on the quality of propolis, propolis samples harvested in different seasons from temperate, subtropical and tropical regions in China were extracted with 60% aqueous ethanol, and the color intensity, total phenol content, total flavonoid content, flavonol content, flavanone content and specific absorbance constant of ethanol extract of propolis (EEP) obtained were spectrometrically determined. Meanwhile, the antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity of EEP were also evaluated. The results showed that harvest season had a significant effect on the chemical composition of EEP. The contents of total phenol, total flavonoids, flavonol and flavanone revealed the highest level in the propolis harvested in June and July and the lowest level in September, which suggested that the best quality of Chinese propolis is in August. Moreover, an obvious difference in the contents of total phenol and total flavonoids in EEP from different seasons was observed. The highest levels of total phenol and total flavonoids were( 243.87 ± 152.13) mg/g and (189.34 ± 107.51) mg/g, respectively; in contrast, the lowest levels of both components were (187.25 ± 146.45 ) mg/g and (122 ± 81.02 ) mg/g, respectively. Furthermore, propolis from temperate zones in China had the best antioxidant activity, which was followed by propolis from sub-tropical zones and tropical zones. An obvious correlation between specific absorbance constant and DPPH radical scavenging capacity, total phenol content or total flavonoid content was observed. Therefore, harvest season exhibits a great impact on the quality of propolis.

Key words: propolis, ethanol extract of propolis (EEP), season, chemical composition, biological activity
