Effect of Baking Temperature on Flavor Quality of Zhangping Shuixian Tea Cake
WENG Jingjing, ZHOU Chengzhe, XU Kai, CHEN Guangwu, SHI Biying, ZHU Chen, SUN Yun, LAI Zhongxiong, GUO Yuqiong
2022, 43(20):
212 )
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Zhangping Shuixian tea cakes were baked at different temperatures (80-70-60 ℃, 90-80-70 ℃, 100-90-80 ℃, and 110-100-90 ℃). Unbaked samples were used as a control. The effects of different baking temperatures on the flavor quality of Zhangping Shuixian tea cake were investigated by sensory evaluation and biochemical analysis. The results showed that the mellow and sweet taste of Zhangping Shuixian tea cake increased initially and then decreased with increasing baking temperature, and so did the floral aroma. In addition, the aroma changed from strong orchid-like to sweet and burnt. The contents of tea polyphenols, free amino acids, water extract, thearubigins, soluble sugar, theabrownin and caffeine were the key factors affecting the difference in taste. The contents of hexanol, 2-methylbutyraldehyde, 2-methyl furan, dehydrolinalool, 1-pentene-3-ol, cis-2-pentanol, α-farnesene, cis-3-hexenyl acetate, 1-ethyl-1H-pyrrole, linalool, phenethyl ethanol, β-caryophyllene, and 3,4-dihydro-4-methyl-2H-pyran were the key factors affecting the difference in aroma. The tea sample baked at 90-80-70 ℃ had the best flavor quality. Under this condition, the contents of water extract, soluble sugar and theaflavins increased, and the contents of caffeine and theabrownin decreased, thus improving the mellow taste and the sweet aftertaste. Moreover, the content of cis-2-pentenol decreased, and the contents of dehydrolinalool, linalool, β-caryophylene, 1-pentene-3-ol, α-farnene, hexanol, 2-methylbutyraldehyde, 1-ethyl-1h-pyrrole and 2-methylfuran increased, thereby promoting the formation of lingering orchid-like and sweet aromas. In conclusion, this study will provide a reference for research on the optimization of the baking process and the improvement of the flavor quality of Zhangping Shuixian tea.